Review Article
Online Published: 07 Mar 2023

Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury.

Background: Moringa oleifera Lam. (Drumstick Tree) is a multipurpose potential tree that is nutritionally rich and possesses functional and phytomedicine properties. It is a multipurpose plant, used as food as well as medicine due to its nutraceutical properties. The leaf, seed, seed oil, fruit, bark, root, flower and buds are used as food in India as they are rich sources of nutrients. It is beneficial to eradicate malnutrition among children and pregnant women. Some Functional components found in Moringa oleifera, have antimicrobial, antitumor, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective, hepato-protective, and other health benefits. In Ayurveda, Moringa oleifera had been used as Shothahara (decrease oedema), cures skin diseases and has anti-infection properties. Aim: The purpose of this review was to study the nutritional properties with functional components and the health benefits of the edible parts of Moringa and also its importance from per Ayurveda point of view. Method: Information for the review of literature has been taken from the Ayurveda text and research journals. The texts were scrutinised for the study of the therapeutic use and importance of moringa as a diet supplement and recent research about its nutritional and functional components has been taken from the relevant scientific publications. Result: emphasized the nutritional and nutraceutical as well as properties of Moringa oleifera, each part of the tree contains phyto-chemicals that are beneficial for health. The study revealed the ethnomedicine properties and traditional use of Ayurveda in the treatment of many diseases. Flower is used as Chakshushya (eye tonic), Kriminashaka, (anthelminthic), and Gulma (abdominal disease). The root is used in cough, hiccough, fever, ear diseases and Visarpa (skin disease). Conclusion: Every edible part of moringa contains a high nutritional value and functional components. This tree is used as folk medicine in the management of various diseases. Its edible part can be used in the food industry as the development of a novel value-added product.

Key words: Antioxidant, Functional and Nutritional component, Moringa (Shigru), Phytomedicine

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Pubmed Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury. Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda. J. res. tradit. med. 2023; 9(Jan - June 2023): 1-9. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

Web Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury. Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda. [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury. Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda. J. res. tradit. med. 2023; 9(Jan - June 2023): 1-9. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury. Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda. J. res. tradit. med. (2023), [cited September 12, 2024]; 9(Jan - June 2023): 1-9. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

Harvard Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury (2023) Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda. J. res. tradit. med, 9 (Jan - June 2023), 1-9. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

Turabian Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury. 2023. Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 9 (Jan - June 2023), 1-9. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

Chicago Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury. "Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 9 (2023), 1-9. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury. "Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 9.Jan - June 2023 (2023), 1-9. Print. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Garima Yadav and Kanchan Chowdhury (2023) Moringa oleifera: Nutritional and Functional components and its Medicinal Importance in Ayurveda. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 9 (Jan - June 2023), 1-9. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/122152