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Review Article
Online Published: 07 Jun 2023

A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma.

Background:The medical speciality of geriatrics focuses on the well-being of the elderly and primarily on the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of illnesses and disabilities in older persons. One of the eight branches of Ayurveda, called Jara (aged), exhibits similarities to geriatrics in contemporary science. According to Ayurveda, each person's life is split into three phases, each of which has a specific humor predominating. Out of the three stages, old age starts from 60 years and above which has Vata Dosha preponderance. Material and methods: Detailed information on Geriatrics has been reviewed and collected by systematic screening of different classical texts of Ayurveda, e-database journals, publications, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science, PubMed and various published research papers. Results: In this review, it is revealed the benefits and therapeutic effects Dincharya (daily regimen), Ritucharya (seasonal regimen), Sadvritta (daily regimen), Diet, Rasayana, Panchakarma in elderly which help in delaying the early ageing and tackles the health concerns of the aged. Conclusion: The aim of this article review explores the therapeutic practices of Ayurveda which that based on rejuvenation, health promotion, and the prevention and control of degenerative illnesses. Rasayan therapy and Panchakarma have been shown to be effective treatments for musculoskeletal, neuromuscular, metabolic, psychological, and many other chronic health issues that affect the elderly.

Key words: Dincharya, Geriatric, Rasayana Therapy, Wholesome Diet, Yoga

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Pubmed Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma. A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives. J. res. tradit. med. 2023; 9(Jan - June 2023): 19-25. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

Web Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma. A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives. https://www.tmjournal.org/?mno=146954 [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma. A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives. J. res. tradit. med. 2023; 9(Jan - June 2023): 19-25. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma. A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives. J. res. tradit. med. (2023), [cited September 12, 2024]; 9(Jan - June 2023): 19-25. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

Harvard Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma (2023) A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives. J. res. tradit. med, 9 (Jan - June 2023), 19-25. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

Turabian Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma. 2023. A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 9 (Jan - June 2023), 19-25. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

Chicago Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma. "A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 9 (2023), 19-25. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma. "A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 9.Jan - June 2023 (2023), 19-25. Print. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Vineeta Singh and Stuti Sharma (2023) A critical review on role of diet and lifestyle modification in geriatric care - Ayurveda perspectives. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 9 (Jan - June 2023), 19-25. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2023/146954