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Original Research
Online Published: 11 Sep 2017

Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice

Jyothy K Bhaskaran*, Mukesh Nariya, Kalpana S Patel, Rajagopala S, Hetal B Aghera, Ashok B Krishnaiah.

Background: Administration of gold in children is a popular practice in Ayurveda. It is stated that pure gold if administered along with honey and ghee for a period of 6 months will enable the infant to remember things which are just heard. Aim: The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of Swarna Bhasma on memory and learning against hyoscine/ scopolamine induced amnesia in albino mice. Materials & Methods: Young Swiss albino mice of both sex divided into three groups were used in the study. The trial drug contained Swarna Bhasma, honey and ghee whereas adjuvant drug contained only ghee and honey which were made into drops from and directly administered in 2 groups of mice and the other group was kept as the normal control. Elevated plus maze was used to assess the effect of test drugs on transfer latency which is interpreted as effect on learning and memory Student's t' test was used to analyse the data and the minimal level of significance was identified at p< 0.05. Results: The trial drug showed significant decrease in transfer latency (p<0.05) both on 2nd and 3rd day of the study when compared with initial values and the control group. Conclusion: Swarna Bhasma exhibited significant therapeutic effects on memory and learning in albino mice.

Key words: Elevated Plus Maze, Gold, Learning, Memory, Swarna Bhasma, Swarnaprashana

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Pubmed Style

Bhaskaran JK, Nariya M, Patel KS, S R, Aghera HB, Krishnaiah AB. Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice. J. res. tradit. med. 2015; 1(1): 23-28.

Web Style

Bhaskaran JK, Nariya M, Patel KS, S R, Aghera HB, Krishnaiah AB. Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice. https://www.tmjournal.org/?mno=277674 [Access: September 12, 2024].

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Bhaskaran JK, Nariya M, Patel KS, S R, Aghera HB, Krishnaiah AB. Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice. J. res. tradit. med. 2015; 1(1): 23-28.

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Bhaskaran JK, Nariya M, Patel KS, S R, Aghera HB, Krishnaiah AB. Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice. J. res. tradit. med. (2015), [cited September 12, 2024]; 1(1): 23-28.

Harvard Style

Bhaskaran, J. K., Nariya, . M., Patel, . K. S., S, . R., Aghera, . H. B. & Krishnaiah, . A. B. (2015) Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice. J. res. tradit. med, 1 (1), 23-28.

Turabian Style

Bhaskaran, Jyothy K, Mukesh Nariya, Kalpana S Patel, Rajagopala S, Hetal B Aghera, and Ashok B Krishnaiah. 2015. Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 1 (1), 23-28.

Chicago Style

Bhaskaran, Jyothy K, Mukesh Nariya, Kalpana S Patel, Rajagopala S, Hetal B Aghera, and Ashok B Krishnaiah. "Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 1 (2015), 23-28.

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Bhaskaran, Jyothy K, Mukesh Nariya, Kalpana S Patel, Rajagopala S, Hetal B Aghera, and Ashok B Krishnaiah. "Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 1.1 (2015), 23-28. Print.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Bhaskaran, J. K., Nariya, . M., Patel, . K. S., S, . R., Aghera, . H. B. & Krishnaiah, . A. B. (2015) Effect of Swarna Bhasma on Memory and Learning in Swiss Albino Mice. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 1 (1), 23-28.