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Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder)

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput.

Cited By: 2

BACKGROUND: Churnakriya has been described in Ayurveda classics under the concept of Bhavana Samskara (process of trituration) where the drug in the powder form is triturated with liquid preparations containing the same ingredients in order to enhance the potency of drug and dose reduction. Considering Churna Kalpana (powdered drug) where the dose is large, Churnakriya concept proves helpful in reducing the dose and enhancing the palatability. AIM: Pharmaceutico-analytical standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya. METHODOLOGY: Devdarvyadi Churna was prepared as described in classics. The Churna was triturated with the decoction of same ingredients taken in equal proportion. Trituration was continued till 7 days. Classical Devdarvyadi Churna and the Devdarvyadi Churnakriya were analytically studied for organoleptic and various Physico-chemical properties such as moisture content, ash values, extractive values etc. Thin layer chromatography was also carried out to ascertain the quality, purity and safety of these herbal formulations. OBSERVATIONS & RESULTS: Average 666.66 gm of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya was obtained from 500 gm. Devdarvyadi Churna with 32.66% weight gain had analytical specifications such as 6.3% w/w loss on drying, 7% w/w Ash Value, 3% w/w Acid insoluble ash, 34.8% w/w water soluble extractive, 4.8% w/w alcohol soluble extractive, with pH 3.52. CONCLUSION: Preparation of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya was done in 3 batches. The trituration period was 7-8 hours a day for each Bhavana. At the end of Bhavana the product showed all the
features of Subhavita Lakshana (signs of proper trituration). The final product yielded 32.66 % weight gain.

Key words: Bhavana, Churnakriya, Devdarvyadi, Standardization

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How to Cite this Article
Pubmed Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput. Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder). J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(3): 64-71.

Web Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput. Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder). [Access: September 13, 2024].

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput. Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder). J. res. tradit. med. 2017; 3(3): 64-71.

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput. Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder). J. res. tradit. med. (2017), [cited September 13, 2024]; 3(3): 64-71.

Harvard Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput (2017) Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder). J. res. tradit. med, 3 (3), 64-71.

Turabian Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput. 2017. Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder). JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 3 (3), 64-71.

Chicago Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput. "Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder)." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 3 (2017), 64-71.

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput. "Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder)." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 3.3 (2017), 64-71. Print.

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Darshana Diliprao Mehkarkar, Bharat Rathi, Anita Wanjari, Dhiraj Singh Rajput (2017) Pharmaceutico-analytical Standardization of Devdarvyadi Churnakriya (Processed powder). JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 3 (3), 64-71.