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Review Article
Online Published: 12 Nov 2020

AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.

Krishna Rao Sathya, Indu Sabu, Gurucharan Bhuyan, Kshirod Kumar Ratha, Mruthyumjaya Rao Meda.

Cited By: 1

Background: COVI9 -19 is a global pandemic tightening its grip across the globe. Different systems of medicine are doing rigorous works in finding out ways to combat the SARS-CoV-2. Researches and previous pandemics have demonstrated the potential of Traditional systems like Ayurveda in managing viral infections.

Aim: To explore the scientific rationale behind the AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines and its possibility in prophylaxis or Management or post-infection rehabilitation against COVID 19.

Materials and Methods: Ayurveda classics were searched for relatable pathogenesis, treatment, preventive and dietary advice. An electronic search was done in PubMed/Medline, Google Scholar, and PMC using specific keywords related to AYUSH guidelines, and the data were evaluated. Result: The data from Ayurveda classics and studies from electronic databases evidenced the possible potential of the AYUSH –Ayurveda guideline in the management strategy of COVID-19. The results suggest that the guidelines take cares of multiple domains like – providing the first line of defence at the portal of entry (nasal oil installation, oil pulling, and steam inhalation); Measures to prevent mental stressors through Yoga, Pranayama, and meditation practice; Measures to maintain GUT-LUNG Axis homeostasis (Drinking Hot water & Spice usage in food and beverages) and immune modulation through Rasayana (rejuvenators) like Chyavanprasha. All the guidelines focus on improving the immune response of the host which is necessary during pandemic times.

Conclusion: The current review establishes the four domains of probable action of AYUSH Ayurveda guidelines. The cost-effective, simple and time tested practices may be a possible way of integration along with the present social distancing norms and existing Government strategies in the fight against COVID -19. The potential of Ayurveda can also play a pivotal role in flattening the curve by modulation of the host immune system.

Key words: Ayurveda, AYUSH guidelines, COVID-19; GUT-LUNG Axis, Immune response

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Pubmed Style

Sathya KR, Sabu I, Bhuyan G, Ratha KK, Meda MR. AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.. J. res. tradit. med. 2020; 6(2, Jul-Dec 2020): 74-84. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

Web Style

Sathya KR, Sabu I, Bhuyan G, Ratha KK, Meda MR. AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.. https://www.tmjournal.org/?mno=131313 [Access: September 12, 2024]. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

AMA (American Medical Association) Style

Sathya KR, Sabu I, Bhuyan G, Ratha KK, Meda MR. AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.. J. res. tradit. med. 2020; 6(2, Jul-Dec 2020): 74-84. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

Vancouver/ICMJE Style

Sathya KR, Sabu I, Bhuyan G, Ratha KK, Meda MR. AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.. J. res. tradit. med. (2020), [cited September 12, 2024]; 6(2, Jul-Dec 2020): 74-84. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

Harvard Style

Sathya, K. R., Sabu, . I., Bhuyan, . G., Ratha, . K. K. & Meda, . M. R. (2020) AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.. J. res. tradit. med, 6 (2, Jul-Dec 2020), 74-84. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

Turabian Style

Sathya, Krishna Rao, Indu Sabu, Gurucharan Bhuyan, Kshirod Kumar Ratha, and Mruthyumjaya Rao Meda. 2020. AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 6 (2, Jul-Dec 2020), 74-84. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

Chicago Style

Sathya, Krishna Rao, Indu Sabu, Gurucharan Bhuyan, Kshirod Kumar Ratha, and Mruthyumjaya Rao Meda. "AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 6 (2020), 74-84. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

MLA (The Modern Language Association) Style

Sathya, Krishna Rao, Indu Sabu, Gurucharan Bhuyan, Kshirod Kumar Ratha, and Mruthyumjaya Rao Meda. "AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.." JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 6.2, Jul-Dec 2020 (2020), 74-84. Print. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313

APA (American Psychological Association) Style

Sathya, K. R., Sabu, . I., Bhuyan, . G., Ratha, . K. K. & Meda, . M. R. (2020) AYUSH-Ayurveda guidelines: A conceptual review on the rationale in prophylaxisduring COVID -19 pandemic.. JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, 6 (2, Jul-Dec 2020), 74-84. doi:10.5455/jrtm.2020/131313